
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hello! :D

BeautyShines <3

Why hello there, and welcome to my new beauty blog! No one is probably going to stumble across this blog, but I'm here to talk about nothing other than beauty! However, I'm not one of those barbie-doll guru's with a huge collection. I'm just your average young woman (:

About Me:

  • I'm currently in college :D 
  • I LOVE to read to & write (you might be seeing some of that stuff here)
  • The internet is my hobby - I have multiple blogs and enjoy social networking very much
  • I was a varsity tennis girl ^.^
  • Definitely am a bargain shopper, but also a shopaholic haha
  • I'm also a HUGE Simmer! If you've never played the Sims, you must!
  • I do have a youtube channel under the same name (BeautyShines), however I'm not uploading currently :/ it has some videos though, go check it out!
  • I love fashion, makeup, and beauty - but most of time you can find me with my hair up and chillaxen in sweats :D

About This Blog:

My goals for this blog are not to be popular (because I'm not), to be noticed, or to gain any kind of fanbase or promote my YT channel. In fact my only goal here is to expand upon and satisfy my hobby of networking, by combining it with my love for fashion & makeup. Even if no one reads my blogs, I'll still be active because I'm here to enjoy posting. But of course, readers are always welcome and will be loved <3. I'll try not to post anything too personal on here, because I have 2 separate blogs for all of that! If you're interested in all of that, I've got both a LiveJournal for online journaling as well as a Tumblr:

Otherwise, most of what I post here will consist of:
  • Makeup :D
  • Fashion: not just your average outfits, but also themed trends, seasonal trend, outfits by occasion, even sporty fashion!
  • Anything cosmetic: hair, nails, and even shower stuff!
  • And of course, other hobbies common among us girls: I'll be posting about my current book, favorite shows, even a few games (assuming I'll ever save up for a console), exercise tips/routines, decorative ideas, DIYs, cooking, and other food stuff 'cause I love to eat :D

Well, that's it for now, but I'll be seeing you soon in future posts! Look out for more (:

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